Another interesting week at work, much to report. Firstly, got positive feedback from trade show for B2B app. Apparently, the sales team have another show in early August in Minnesota.

Spent a lot of time morning on configuration management and optimizing my dev environment. I’ve had my ups and downs trying to get TFS working on the Mac, so I’m also doing my personal checking into git. Although over the last couple of days, I think I’ve cracked it.

Also been getting my testing story together. I’ve gone totally BDD. I’m getting the hang of creating both unit and e2e tests with Jasmine and karma and protractor test runners. Specifically, I’m getting the hang of creating mocks for Ionic testing.

Finally, I have to say the more I use webstorm, I understand it’s power. Yes, all the cool kids are using Atom, and it’s Java roots make it look weird on the Mac, but it’s awesome. I really dig their RemoteDebug chrome integration. I figured out how to use and their Todos. But the best feature are using multiple integrated terminal windows.