Here is a list of useful links I’ve been collecting:
- React Native
- Components and Libraries
- Redux
- Git
- Scripting
- xCode, Building, and Deployment
- Firebase
- Jekyll
- Markdown and GitHub Wikis
- Linux/Unix/Mac OS/Virtual Box
- Utilities
- VS Code Extensions
React Native
- React Native
- Getting Started with React Native & Redux: Good introduction with links to YouTube videos.
- React Native Tutorial: Building Apps with JavaScript: Good introduction to React Native
- React Native Basics: How to Use the ListView Component: Good introduction to ListViews
- Testing React Native Apps with Jest
- React Navigation: New official React Native navigation
Components and Libraries
- List: Catalog of JS resources, specifically React and React Native
- NativeBase: Useful, open source UI library
- react-native-root-modal: Good replacement for stock React Native modal
- Redux: Redux home page
- TodoMVC With React Native and Redux: Tutorial using the bakery template.
- Testing React Native and Redux
- Unit testing with Jest Testing with Redux + async actions + fetch
- How to Snapshot Test Everything in Your Redux App With Jest
- Apple Scripting Reference
- Introduction to Bash Scripting
- Test if variable contains spaces
- Save Bash Shell Script Output To a File
- cat command
- Bash Beginners Guide
- Writing Robust Shell Scripts
- Send mail from Terminal using mail/sendmail
- 5 Ways to Send Email From Linux Command Line
- Linux mail command examples – send mails from command line
- Shell functions library
- How to send emails from localhost (MAC OS X El Capitan)
- Opening a Terminal Window From, Well, Terminal
- Small getopts tutorial: How to parse multiple command line arguements
xCode, Building, and Deployment
- Building from the Command Line with Xcode
- Code Signing Tasks
- Deploying a React Native App for iOS — pt. 1
- xCode Tools
- Building Xcode IOS Projects And Creating *.Ipa File From The Command Line
- Xcode Archive: export options
- xcodebuild’s new exportOptionsPlist flag
- Plist Buddy Reference
- Editing plist file using shell script
- Upload your application binary files with altool
- Extract data from plist
- Automating Version and Build Numbers Using agvtool
- Setting iPhone Application Build Versions
- Apple Configurator 2 Commands
- cfgutil – Missing man page
- Upload fix
- Upload Authentication Issues
- Xcodebuild Destination Cheatsheet
- Jekyll: Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
- Setting up your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll
- Creating and Hosting a Personal Site on GitHub
Markdown and GitHub Wikis
- Mark Down Spec
- Cheatsheet
- Writing on GitHub
- Subfolder: How to create subfolders
Linux/Unix/Mac OS/Virtual Box
- Unix and Linux Commands Help
- Tech on the Net
- How to Run MacOS Sierra in a Virtual Machine for Free, the Easy Way
- Sierra VirtualBox Install
- How to reinstall macOS
- Create a bootable installer for macOS
- 20 Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance
- How to Enlarge Disk Image in VirtualBox?
- Running a Mac VM on a Mac using VirtualBox
- CSS Color Picker
- JQ: A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- Playup: NPM Library for uploading to Google Plays
- RegEx101