Going Live: Looking Forward and Back
Today marks the official launch of my web site. Before I get down to business, I’m going to start on a personal note.
I am writing this article on the day after Yom Kippur (Day of Attonement). According to Jewish tradition, the Jewish Year started eleven days ago on Rosh Hashanah. We believe that on this day G-d decides our collective and personal fate. So, we start our year by looking forward, and praying for the best possible future.
In the period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we can review what we have done over the last year, confess our sins, and try to make things better by repentance, prayer, and charity. This period ends with Yom Kippur. On this day, we are given one last chance to atone before our fate is sealed. On the days following Rosh Hashanah and specifically on Yom Kippur, we look back. We look back over our deeds, and the deeds of our people. As a people, we hope that by doing good deeds, praying, and repenting that all of us, no matter our level of observance, will be forgiven for what we did, and be able to go forward together.
Apart from an accident of timing, what is the connection between the preceeding paragraphs, this web site, and this article. This article marks the official launch of this web site, but the site has been live and online for a while. This start is the first of a number of independant ventures that I am launching over the coming year. However, I am not starting from scratch and what I do next will be based on the skills, knowledge, and experience I have acquired over more than twenty years in working in computing.
Over the last two weeks, I created this web site. Instead of starting with a blank slate, I decided to show the work I’ve done and give a taste of how I can use my knowledge and experience to help others. To this end, I have collecting articles, presentations, social media posts, links, resources, and projects. Currently, this site is home to forty posts from the end of 2012 to the present day. It was fun to look back, today it is time to look forward.
Starting from this post, I am going to be publishing new, tech related articles to this site. I will be cover a number of fields and will cover broad analysis, opinion, and software development. I am working on a series decribing the type of projects I will be working on, and describing the relevant business models. At the other end of the spectrum, I plan to write tutorials on React Native, building and deploying mobile apps, and BASH scripting. In addition, I will also use this site to launch mobile apps and web services.
One last thing, I wouldn’t be able to start this project without the help and support of my family. Specifically, I want to thank my wife not only for everything she does, but also for her suggestion for starting this web site. I would also like to thank my friend, and former colleague, David Egyes, for suggesting that I collect and publish my tech related Facebook posts.
Now, it’s time to get to work.